Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama's Inauguration

When Jeff Shesol (former speech writer for Bill Clinton) discusses Obama's Inauguration speech, he talks about how the inauguration of the new president is the happiest the president will be while he is a president. Shesol describes how the new president is in his shining moment in saying that the president could sneeze into the microphone and earn praise. Shesol says that a new president's speech must not only talk about the abroad but also delve into the immediate future. Shesol says that Obama may borrow ideas from Kennedy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, or to use Abraham Lincoln's cadance as a speaker. Shesol says that Obama is naturally a very good speaker, and should trust his instincts, but he must also make sure that his speech comes to life, that his words must live, and jump off he page. President Obama must convince all in his speech that his words of bringing the economy back up and healing the nation will stay true.

Lastly, I agree with Shesol, I think his ideas about what Obama must do in his speech are correct. I think the most important thing he can do is to grab people's attention, make them feel better about the economy, and convince them that his words will stay true. I believe that it will be an exciting and historic day for all as we reach a landmark in our great country's history.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Technology, Time, and Space

Because of the situation of the economy today, there are many married couples that are forced to live away from each other. They can live hundreds of miles away just to bring in enough money for their children to go to college. As well as to support their family. In an article I recently read, a family lived apart. This family had two kids, the husband worked at the University of Pennsylvania, while his wife worked in New Zealand. This forces the couple to use technology such as the computer to communicate. People use e-mails, instant messaging as well as advanced programs such as Skype, which allows them to see each other and talk to each other on the computer. It is hard to believe, but families will separate for weeks at a time just to make enough money to support each other. Fathers may only see their children every six weeks.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


In Los Angeles, there lived a thirteen year old girl who had a myspace account. She was friends with another girl at school, whose mother also had a myspace account, except she used this account for very bad reasons. Lori Drew, the mother, Pretended that she was a teenage guy, and was talking to Megan on myspace when she started insulting Megan for no reason. Drew was unprovoked but just started telling Megan that the world would be a better place without her. Sadly soon after this, when Megan's mother knocked on her bedroom door, their was no answer, Megan had committed suicide. Lori Drew went to court, where she was only found guilty of two misdeameanor charges. It was said that she had the right of freedom of speech when talking to Megan and did not reiceive a felony charge for her atrocious actions. I strongly disagree with this statement, I believe that she should go to jail for a very long time on a felony charge. She wasn't using free speech, she knew she was talking to a minor and she caused that minor's death.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Social Networking?

Teenagers’ socializing on the internet is just a way for them to take a break from all of the work they have to do. I think that teenager are just trying to talk to their friends and have a good time, while the whole predator and dangers thing is way too overblown. While parents are worrying too much, kids are really just talking to the friends that they met at school, camp or sports. It is now said by experts that kids’ internet use is a good thing, because it is helpful for the kids to know these things to be successful in life. However caution must be used because there are always dangers from bad people out there. An example of this is the tradgedy that happened when Lori Drew, an adult, pretended she was a teenage guy. She was talking to thirteen year old Megan Meier, when all of a sudden she started insulting Megan in very bad ways. Sadly, Megan commited suicide after this. These websites such as myspace and facebook are giving kids the literary skills they need in life. They are learning how to communicate with people, how to make a home page, and manage a public identity. Teens usually have a full time intimate community between them and their friends talking online. No one else can talk to them unless they want them to, and usually only talk to friends. People who use these sites such as facebook and myspace, according to experts, move on to exploration on the computer, as well as customize games and equipment. In conclusion I believe that socializing on the internet with facebook or myspace is not a bad thing. It helps teens get away from their work, relax and talk to friends. But always remember, caution must always be used.http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/20/us/20internet.html?scp=1&sq=teenagers%20internet%20socializing&st=cse

Friday, October 3, 2008

Internet Use

There are many things that I use the internet for. One of the main reasons I use the internet is to look on our school’s homepage for the assignments my teachers post for my classes. Even if they do not tell us the homework it is always on the homepage for us to look. I also go onto the internet for leisure, for example, I go onto my favorite team’s website such as the New York Giants on NFL.com. I also go to my favorite baseball team’s website, New York Yankees.com. One of my favorite leisure websites is apple.com, I like to look there to see what Steve Jobs has come out with, if it is my birthday I also like to look there to see if I like anything. I also like to use the internet for games if I am bored. Another one of my favorite websites to go to is you tube, you tube is very funny and can also be used to see stunning video of sports feats, as well as others. I also like to go onto news sites such as CNN.com and nytimes.com. These sites are very helpful because they show all of the news that is currently happening today, such as the recent Wall Street crisis. These news sites also show the recent sports news such as teams winning and losing. The internet is a great place for many reasons, it is great for information, leisure, and almost anything

Friday, September 5, 2008

safe blogging

Safe Blogging

Certain blogging rules are to only use first names, never say last names. I believe that this is a very important rule, because if a person’s last name is used other unknown people can look them up on certain sites and find their different accounts. Another important rule is to not plagiarize other blogs and groups because this could start a fight online that could last for a very long time. This could get you into bad trouble offline. One very important rule is to never mention meeting places on your blog or anywhere on the internet. Even if it is with your friends because someone you don’t know could see it and come to try to meet you or hurt you. You also should not spam because you could send out a very bad virus and it could be traced back to you, and you could get in serious trouble. Never put down your address or home phone number, you can be harassed if someone has your number or address, worse people can come to your house. Never write something very bad, it is never really gone from the internet, when you go for a job, your employer may see it on the internet.